Saturday 12 September 2015

Movie Review #3

Movie Review #3: Interstellar
IMDB Score: 8.7/10

Interstellar is a 2014 sci-fi movie directed by Christopher Nolan, starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway.

This film is set in a post-apocalyptic world where a team of astronauts were sent on a mission to travel through a wormhole to search for a new planet that is suitable for humans to live in. They must find it before the entire humanity is wiped out and there will be no one else left to save.

Interstellar starts out pretty boring and confusing and will only get more confusing as time goes on. But everything will be compensated by the intense ending. Every piece of information given throughout the movie was to build up to the epic ending. Towards the end, even though everything starts to add up, you will still need to spend some time before you can fully understand the whole idea. I thought I would not enjoy the movie much because of the dry introduction, but the movie gets interesting as the story progresses. Other than this, I cannot reveal anything else as that will spoil the whole experience of watching the movie.

The music and the sound effects was also spectacular and adds to the tension throughout the movie.

Also, I have to give credits to the actors and actresses in the film who truly brought the movie to life.

Overall, the movie was mind-blowing and really awesome. It is definitely a must watch.

We gave it a 8.5/10


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